Thursday, May 13, 2021

Spiritual Warfare

The last time I felt I was engaged in spiritual warfare was 2011.  My son was addicted to drugs and I felt we were in a battle with the devil.  It was a scary time filled with doubt but it instilled in me spiritual disciplines that I still practice today.  I am happy to share he will be ten years sober tomorrow.  Alleluia!

Fast forward to today and I am reflecting on my experiences at the Texas Capitol these past weeks. I made my sixth trip yesterday to advocate for the right to healthcare privacy for my daughter and all transgender Texans.  Along with other fierce parents, I spoke before television cameras, boiling my heartbreak down to 120 seconds, knowing that maybe 15 seconds would actually get used in the story.  

We then headed to lawmakers’ offices to share our stories in more detail, in hopes of activating their compassion for our children.  I had a particularly difficult interaction with one House Representative’s aide and I could not recover enough to carry on so I headed home.  It’s a particular sort of injury to travel to the seat of your state government to plead for those in power to consider your child worthy of equal civil rights.  Just the fact that we must have these discussions is deeply diminishing.  And when these people, who refuse to educate themselves on the science and identify as Christian, have no empathy for the pain they are causing, it feels like I am in the presence of evil.  And I very rarely ever use the word “evil” to describe anyone because I feel we all have a dark side.  

The more I go to Austin, the more I believe what we are doing is engaging in spiritual warfare.  Even if you do not identify with Christianity or any faith, what is playing out in our government is the result of soul sickness.  A person’s soul is sick if they continue to cause harm when their victims are crying out for relief. 

I truly believe the 30 discriminatory anti-LGBTQ+ bills in the Texas Legislature are the result of twisted Christian theology: the misguided condemnation of LGBTQ+ people and the teaching to members that they are sinful, bad, broken, and evil by nature.  If you tell people their entire lives they are evil, it breeds a deep self-loathing.  So when they try to love others as themselves, I call it a recipe for ugly pie.

I am beyond grateful that as Episcopalians, my husband and I never heard these damaging messages and my transgender child hasn’t either.  I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was created in God’s image for a wonderful purpose.  She’s not broken; she has a unique perspective from which to serve the world.   

Imagine if all Christian churches were teaching that all people are beloved, created for a wonderful purpose, and that Jesus is crazy in love with them?  There would be no way to exploit the LGBTQ community or Christian voters, for one thing.  And living out your faith would be about honoring the sacred in others, not ticking boxes on a purity checklist.  My deepest calling is to participate in untangling the Gospel of love from twisted theology which ties people in knots instead of liberates them.  What can you do to create a world where all people belong?  

For more on our story of the lifesaving care my daughter received and how politics affect transgender Texans, click here for my interview on NPR with David Martin Davies.

To watch the trailer for the new documentary, 1946 The Movie, which traces the mistranslation that put the word “homosexual” in the Bible for the first time in 1946, click here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for this.
It reminded me to begin praying Ephesians 6. 10--20 again.
I pray it for you today.